
To Share Jesus

Inspired by Jesus, it is the mission of the Manhattan SDA Church to create opportunities for the city of New York to know the Saviour. We will be a light for the LORD in this urban environment by setting an example in our conduct, as we engage with all the City’s citizens.

It is our goal to develop contextualized, relevant projects that serve social needs, and there reveal the Master’s interest in all His children, and be drawn into His loving embrace. In such an environment, and with a Christ-like attitude, we can inspire hope and share the true, and attractive, character of Jesus.


To Impact Others with The Gospel

We are a Gospel-centered community, committed to sharing Jesus. Our church is welcoming, friendly, and genuinely interested in inviting all into reconciliation with the LORD and each other.

Free from prejudice, we seek to provide a spiritual refuge: a place where Christ can be found, and His great love discovered. This is accomplished by fostering Christian fellowship: creating an environment that is relevant, uplifting, and encouraging to the attending community.


To Care for People

The purpose of the Manhattan SDA Church is to lead others into relationship with Jesus, that they may experience His healing and discover His great love.

It is our desire to develop, uphold, and promote a Christ-centered atmosphere, where members and visitors alike can deepen their understanding of Scripture, and where faith is developed and strengthened. By discovering the practical elements within Scripture, the Word becomes tangible. Equipped with life, participants can be encouraged as they journey through the City with Christ.