
We believe in one God in three persons—the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. God is unchanging and constant, our Creator and our Redeemer; He is love. God is outside of time, beyond our comprehension, yet He cares for us deeply. He created us, individually, uniquely, and not only has plans for our lives, but longs to spend eternity with us.

His Sacrifice

When God created the world, He did so perfectly; but man sinned. We took our eyes from His grace and love, and, in pride, fell short. Rather than leave us in a state of imperfection, He became man. We believe that Jesus Christ— 100% God and 100% man—came into this world to live a life free of sin, bear its wages, that we could become whole again. He lived a blameless life, and was crucified for our transgressions. Yet, He rose the third day, triumphing over sin and death, ascending to heaven shortly thereafter. Through faith in the sacrifice of Jesus, we are saved. We cannot earn salvation, cannot work hard enough or well enough to earn righteousness; it is by grace alone we are saved, through faith, as a freely-given gift of God.

His Word

Not only did God come into the world as Jesus— leaving His guiding agent, the Holy Spirit—but He gave us His Word in Scripture. We believe that the Bible is inspired, infallible, life-changing, and a testament of His love. Its careful and contextual study can guide our understanding of God, His plan of salvation, and positively affect the way in which we live our lives.

His Church

We believe that a church isn't a building (though we're blessed by the landmark location we worship in!), but a people. God's church refers to anyone who has claimed the sacrificial death of Jesus, accepting the grace of God over their own efforts. Community is central to worship; the weekly church gathering of forgiven sinners provides for the corporate expression of gratitude to our Maker and Redeemer.

His Love

God's love and His law are intertwined, interchangeable, and inseparable, rather than counteracting forces. As the expression of His love, God’s law is immutable. Inspired by that love, we seek to honor Him and extend the same grace we’ve received unto others.